Alpha Demo 0.2.0

Patch 0.2.0

New Features

  • Narrative: Game now includes lore dialogues
  • Quest System: Implemented Quests and Objectives with destination markers.
  • Dialogue System: Implemented new dialogues for Orione, Thorne and Astrid.
  • User Interface: Revamped HUD and UI markers 
  • Turret: New design and texture
  • Vehicle: New design and texture + new engine sound
  • Safehouse: New design and texture
  • Audio Settings: Added adjustable audio settings for master volume, SFX, dialogue, and background music.

Bug Fixes

  • Safehouse Gate: Resolved issue where safehouse gate would get stuck after death
  • Player Data: Fixed player data not refreshing after loading game 
  •  Aiming Issue: Resolved issue where aim would lock after repeatedly clicking the right mouse button. Aiming now only happens when RMB is held down. 
  •  Zone Alpha Enemy AI: Fixed issue where enemies would gather at a single point in Zone Alpha. 
  •  Nitro: Resolved an issue where Nitro would get stuck during use. 
  •  Vehicle Sound Loop: Fixed an issue where vehicle sound would stop and restart unexpectedly.

Quality of Life Changes

  • Drift to Reload: Added visual and sound cues to reinforce Drift to Reload process.
  • UI, Dialogue, and Cutscene Polish: General improvements to the overall UI and dialogue flow during cutscenes.
  • Nyxium Mine: Mine now shows total count of Nyxium that can be collected. Added audio cue on collection.
  • Zone Secure Objective: Objective and quest markers are now removed after all enemies are defeated.
  • Main Base Camp: Added trigger box near both safehouses for improved player detection.
  • Low Health Prompt: Low health warning now shows when health drops to 40% instead of triggering late.
  • Laser Barriers: Invisible walls are now replaced by laser barriers that stop entry into zones.
  • Overall Visual Fixes

Balance Changes

  • Vehicle Health: Increased base health by 40.
  • Vehicle Impact: Wave Enemies can now be pushed back with vehicle.
  • Wave Enemies: Put a limiter on initial acceleration to reach player.
  • Wave Battle (Tower A): Reduced enemy spawn count in Wave 1 and 2. Increased total number of waves to 4.
  • Reload Speed: Increased base reload speed by 3x.
  • Gun 1: Increased ammo consumption by 2x.
  • Nyxium Collection: Added a feature which auto-collects all Nyxium produced from all  unlocked mines on entering any safehouse.


MegaDrift Demo 3.2 GB
Version 2 74 days ago

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